"Well how much was the ticket?"
"I don't know, I just gave it to my Mom"  

"I was going to, but it was hard"

"It was kindness week at my school...And I didn't"

"What if a mute person has no hands"

Tuesday, March 4

Boop dee boop dah dumm dumm.

Name: Josh
Scripture: Acts 7:45-8:3
"57Then they put their hands over their ears and began shouting. They rushed at him 58and dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. His accusers took off their coats and laid them at the feet of a young man named Saul."

OAP: So this is the end of Stephen. He is dragged off and stoned by the mob, until he falls "asleep;" i've always thought it funny that they use that wording in multiple versions. But anyways what caught my attention more than anything was how the "ringleaders" leave their clothes with Saul as kind of a valet as they rush off to kill Stephen. Saul at the time wasn't a big mean church prosecutor guy, just kind of a bystander as i picture it. He witnesses the event and he takes no action to intervene and save Stephen, just lets the people do what he knows is obviously wrong. He even holds their coats for them, doing them a favor! I'm picturing myself in Saul's place because as i go about my daily life i see innocent people wronged in unjust and unfair ways, and i look back wondering why sometimes i take no action, why i haven't enough backbone or faith to do anything. I am reminded for some reason of an Edmund Burke quote my music teacher repeated constantly in middle school, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Prayer: God, don't let me be a coathanger for evil, don't let me tolerate the persecution of your children when it's in my power. Or rather, the power you grant me. Thanks for today, thanks for the weather, thanks for people dancing in dog suits and playing baseball.

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